Global Summer School 2018
1st – 14th JULY 2018
The field of dynamic facades as sustainable building design element is in its infancy in the 21st century. However, the field is growing rapidly due to the requirement for better environmental performance of buildings, and the recent rise of computational tools as well as open programability of electronics for framework control. Dynamic facades have the potential to add to the architectural expression of a building by visualizing the changeable aspects of the environment. Since the building envelope , or facade, is in essence the public face of a building, and has therefore a large impact on the perception of the building, thus from an energetic perspective, a shape shifting envelope acts as an even more optimized buffer or mediator between the interior and the exterior environment.
IAAC Global Summer School has inspired many students during the past decade and created an active alumni community distributed around the globe allowing a decentralized expansion of IAAC knowledge. Years after years, IAAC Global Summer School aims to empower the bonds with the community members, therefore places them in strategic positions which allows GSS programme to take place simultaneously in different cities around the world, sharing between nodes a Global agenda made of lectures, presentations and a final graduation happening in Barcelona, Chandigarh, New York City, Moscow, Tehran, Beirut, Muscat, Shanghai, San Josè and more.
As part of the GSS18 India program, students will define strategies for the applications of Advanced Digital Design Strategies as essentials mean for the change. Testing the combination of software and hardware students will explore real-time data capture, energy generation, storage and reuse, material adaptability, real-time management of time-uses and citizen-space interaction. The GSS18 Program is focusing on the following outcomes for participants to learn:
_Computational and Parametric Designing
_Digital Fabrication
_Programming and System integrated Electronics
For more information please visit here;